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Access with foreign studies obtained outside the European Higher Education Area (not standardised) (*)

Última modificación
Tue , 11/02/2025 - 12:13

(*) Member countries the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (Republic of), Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia (Republic of), Malta, Moldavia, Montenegro, Netherlands (The), Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Vatican City State.

Anyone wishing to access Master's Degree studies at the University of Zaragoza and in possession of a foreign higher education qualification obtained in an education system OUTSIDE the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) analogous to a Bachelor's degree that has not been approved or declared equivalent by the Ministry of Education must obtain "authorised access" to the University of Zaragoza - following a check to ensure the level of training implied by this qualification - provided that the qualification allows access to postgraduate university studies in the country where it is issued.

  • Deadline for submitting the application for "authorised access"

No deadline. Apply any time.

However, as "authorised access" must be obtained before the final admissions list is published, you are recommended to present your request at the following times (depending on the Admission stage in which you wish to participate): 


Recommended dates to submit

the "authorised access" request 

Participants in Admission Stage 1:

  • From 27th february to 27th March 2024

(These dates are mandatory because proof of presenting the "authorised access" request must be provided with this application for admission.)

Participants in Admission Stage 2:

  • Before 1st May 2024

Participants in Admission Stage 3:

  • Before 15th June 2024


  •  How to submit the application

The application must be sent online through the University of Zaragoza Electronic Administration SOLICITA@ Service [

], completing the online form: "Authorised access to official Master's studies with a non-standardised foreign qualification obtained outside the EHEA". 

This service is accessed using administrative credentials, which comprise a user (PIN) and an administrative password. People without these passwords must first register in the University of Zaragoza ‘identity’ system:


  1. Access the Service from this URL:

  2. Select “REQUEST@ (Request management)”

  3. On the “Options” menu select “Start New Request”

  4. Identify yourself with the credentials valid for this University: PIN + administrative password

  5. In the “Catalogue of applications classified by categories” option, select “Undergraduate, Master, PhD, etc. students”.

  6. Select the “Master's Degree Authorised Access with a Foreign Degree” form

  7. Fill in the required details in the form.

  8. Upload the documents detailed below

 Documents to accompany application

The online application process requires the following documents to be provided in electronic format [pdf, jpg, tiff].

a) Documents certifying the identity and nationality of the applicant; depending on the nationality and its circumstances, this may be a DNI, the national document of your country (European Union countries), passport or, where appropriate, an equivalent document.

b) Qualification to be verified or certificate validating its issuance.

c) Academic certificate for the studies pursued by the applicant to obtain the qualification to be verified, which includes, among other things, the official duration in academic years of the study programme followed, the subjects studied, the number of hours involved in each subject and their marks.

Previous university studies completed must have a minimum duration of 3 complete academic years, and 180 ECTS or 1800 teaching hours.

d) Certification that proves the degree gives access to postgraduate studies in the issuing country.

The applicant may be required to provide any complementary documents deemed necessary to substantiate their studies, per the terms in Article 73 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations.

Document requirements

The documents provided must be official and issued by competent authorities, as legally appropriate in the country concerned, and must be accompanied, where appropriate, by the corresponding translation into Spanish by a sworn translator, except if they are issued in English or French.

The documents referred to above in paragraphs b) and c) (Qualification and academic certificate) must be presented legalised through diplomatic channels; in the case of countries that have signed the Andrés Bello agreement, legalisation by the Spanish Foreign Office is not necessary.

Diplomatic legalisation can be replaced by the Hague Apostille, if the applicant comes from a signatory country of this agreement.

The documents provided shall be considered as copies. In case of doubt about their authenticity, validity or content, the University reserves the right to request the originals from the applicant, in order to take the necessary steps to verify them.


Applicants must pay the fee listed in the Government of Aragon Decree that establishes the public price for the provision of university academic services that is applicable at the time of submitting the application (€150) for a check of the documents provided for access to the official University of Zaragoza Master's degree courses with foreign higher education studies that have not been standardised (obtained in an educational system not in the EHEA).

Payment must be made online (by credit card) during the application process for authorised access.

Decision deadline

There will be a three month period in which to resolve the procedure and notify the applicant from the date of submission of the application. This period may be suspended in the cases provided for in Article 22 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations.


The decision taken on the procedure to access the corresponding courses, which may be positive or negative, will be adopted by the presidency of the University of Zaragoza Commission of Postgraduate Studies, operating by delegation of the Rector.

Effects of the decision

A favourable decision authorising access shall under no circumstances imply approval or the equivalence of the qualification in possession of the applicant to either a university qualification or equivalence at an academic level; nor shall it be recognised for any purpose other than studying the official University Master's courses at the University of Zaragoza.

A favourable decision authorising access does not, in any case, imply direct admission onto any University Master's course.