Required documents
The following documents must accompany the admission application:
a) A photocopy of a current DNI, NIE or passport.
b) The university certificate for completed access studies or proof of having requested it or, where appropriate, the Official approval credential or Certification of declaration of equivalence at an academic level, issued by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.
c) The official academic certificate for the studies completed (to include the marks and average score on file, on a scale of 0 to 10).
For people who are studying an official university degree in the Spanish University System (SUE) in the 2021-2022 academic year and have enrolled for all the credits necessary to finish the studies in that year, having a maximum of 9 ECTS and the Final Degree Project to finish their course, this certificate must indicate that they are registered for all the credits necessary to complete their studies and the number of credits outstanding.
When the academic record is from the University of Zaragoza, submission of the documents referred to in sections a), b) and c) above will not be required.
d) Current Curriculum vitae (EXCEPT for the Master's Degree in Teaching).
e) The specific documents required for each Master's Degree. See the website for each degree:
For University master's degrees that include specific language requirements in their verification report, documents must be provided attesting the applicant's level in the language or languages that the Master's Degree requires in its report.
Applicants holding an official certificate issued by an EHEA institution and the European Diploma Supplement (SET) may provide this Supplement in lieu of the documents referred to in subsections b) and c) above.
Additional documentation:
People who enter the quota reserved for students with disabilities - with a degree of disability equal or superior to 33% - must present a certificate of qualification and recognition of this degree, issued by the competent authority in the Autonomous Region or by any other competent body in this matter under Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013, of 29 November, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law of Rights of persons with disabilities and their social inclusion.
The needs of students with permanent special educational needs associated with personal circumstances of disability will be certified through a report issued by the administrative unit or disability service office at the university where they studied previously, detailing the resources and aid required for them to be fully immersed in university academic life.
People joining with a foreign higher education degree obtained in an education system outside the EHEA, which is not approved or declared equivalent must additionally provide the following:
- Resolution of the "authorised access" issued by the University of Zaragoza or, failing that, proof of having started the application process for "authorised access" at this university.
In the event that the grading system for the official academic certificate is different to its Spanish equivalent, applicants must provide the "Declaration of equivalence of the average mark for university studies undertaken in foreign centres" which can be obtained from the following portal:
Failure to provide the declaration of equivalence will not prevent the applicant from participating in the admission process, as in such cases their average mark shall be considered a 5.
- When the Master's Degree is taught in Spanish and the mother tongue is not Spanish, a document proving sufficient Spanish language ability must be provided.
Foreign documents:
University degrees and official certifications issued abroad, must be legalised through diplomatic channels; in the case of countries that have signed the Andrés Bello agreement, legalisation from the Spanish Foreign Office is not necessary. Diplomatic legalisation can be replaced by the Hague Apostille, if the applicant comes from a signatory country of this agreement.
The documents must be accompanied by the corresponding translation into Spanish by a sworn translator, except if they are issued in English or French.
The legalisation requirement shall not apply to documents issued by the authorities of the Member States of the European Union or signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
- NOTE: Following BREXIT, documents issued by the United Kingdom must follow the procedure that is applicable to states that are not members of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, so must be legalised through diplomatic channels or through the Hague Apostille.
Further information on legalisation and translation of foreign documents
How to provide documentation
People making applications through the Internet are providing their identification data and other access requirements in advance; presentation of a simple copy of the required documents is considered sufficient and must be in electronic format through the service offered by the internet program.
If subsequently admitted to a University Master's Degree, applicants must proceed to verify the documents, sending the original and a copy or a certified copy or authentic electronic copy of the required documents for comparison to the secretariat at the corresponding university centre within ten academic days from registration, notwithstanding the powers of verification, control and inspection attributed to the University of Zaragoza at any stage.
In accordance with the provisions of the fourth paragraph of article 69 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations, any essential inaccuracy, misrepresentation or omission in any information, statement or document that is accompanied by or incorporated in the above mentioned communication will make it impossible to continue exercising the right from the moment the University becomes aware. This will lead to the cancellation of the place awarded, without prejudice to any criminal, civil or administrative liability procedures that may be initiated.