Vicegerencia académica
Edificio Interfacultades - Pedro Cerbuna, 12 - 50009 Zaragoza
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Admission lists

Última modificación
Mon , 03/03/2025 - 10:06

At each Admission Stage a resolution by the college board will be published on the official University of Zaragoza bulletin board, accessible online (, that, for each Master's Degree, will include:

-   a provisional list of persons admitted, in order of priority.

-   a provisional list of people on the waiting list, in order of priority. In Stage 1, the waiting list will be for the sole purpose of filling the places of those admitted who have not paid the reservation fee. Applicants who are not admitted in this Stage, or not called up from the waiting list, must reapply for admission in Stage 2.

-   a provisional list of excluded persons, with an indication of the reasons for their exclusion.


The following will be provisionally published for the Master's Degree in Teaching:

- An initial list of people who meet access requirements, indicating at least the mark and priority with which they will participate in the awarding of places on offer, plus the specialities chosen.

- A list of persons excluded from the admission process, with an indication of the reasons for their exclusion.


Following publication of the provisional lists, a modification period will start, so that applicants may make pleas and certify the relevant documents or requirements in writing, addressed to the corresponding university centre, submitted via Electronic Register [], through any of the help desks for matters of registration at the University of Zaragoza or by any of the procedures provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations.

After the deadline for modifications, the final admission lists by resolution of the board of the corresponding university centre will be published on the official University of Zaragoza bulletin board, accessible electronically (

Publication of the provisional and definitive lists on the official University of Zaragoza bulletin board shall be considered official notification to applicants, but not have any definitive effects in their favour should the University find any inaccuracy [art. 109 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations], in which case the lists would be rectified.

Check the admission STAGES and DATES here